LGBTQ+ & Allies Yoga
Suggested £5 donation
Service Description
Join Catherine for this new class for our LGBTQ+ community and allies - everyone welcome! "We begin each class with time to settle in, then a gentle dynamic warm-up for our joints and muscles. We go on to explore slow-flowing sequences and classic yoga poses, which develop strength, mobility, balance and coordination. Breathing techniques are also taught, and every session ends with a short guided relaxation. Gentler and more challenging options are always offered in this class, making it suitable for all levels of experience, including complete beginners." We would appreciate a £5 donation for this class. To attend for free, please select 'Pay in Person' at the checkout (you will not be charged).
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
If you want to cancel you must do this 24 hours before the start of class. If you want to re-schedule you must do this at least 2 hours before the start of a class.
Contact Details
Highland Yoga Collective, Acre Street, Nairn, UK